Registered address
In order to register a legal entity in the Republic of Bulgaria you’ll be required to have an official office and a mailing address. This is the address which will be recorded in the Trade Register and the address where official communications will be sent, for example letters from all state institutions and bodies, such as the NRA, NSSI, NSI, courts, prosecutor’s offices, Ministry of Interior’s offices, etc. It is important to note that the registered office address of your company does not need to be the same address as the company carries on business from. For example, your registered office address can be in Sofia and a point of sale or a manufacturing plant can be located in a different city. To avoid missing deadlines, failures to receive summons or notifications, it is needed, at any time, someone to be at the address in order to receive the documents / postal deliveries and to notify you promptly. BALKAN BUSINESS HELP is pleased to offer you the following service „Correspondence“. You will be promptly notified, via e-mail address provided by you, for receiving any document.